North Elmham CEVA
Primary School


Sheep class remote learning round up!

The last few weeks of remote learning have seen some very busy Sheep! We’ve been learning about groups and arrays in maths, making arrays at home with our toys. We have also been planting broad bean seeds in science and are recording their growth for the rest of this term. In geography, we have been identifying the counties of the UK, and in history we have learnt what it means to be a ‘significant person’. Many children chose their mummies or daddies as their significant person, which was lovely! In RE, we learnt about the Muslim celebration of Eid, and some children decorated their hands with Mendhi patterns. Children have also been learning about healthy diets with lots of fruit and veg in DT and have also done some fantastic drawings!

We’re so proud of all the effort the children have put in through this time of learning at home, but it will be fantastic to have them all back in school this week!

Sheep Class Remote Learning

What a lot we have been getting up to these past few weeks in Sheep class! Amongst many other things, we have been learning about fractions by halving and quartering anything we can get our hands on (with parents’ permission of course!), learning how to take and edit photos of our toys using tablets, playing tricky word bingo, learning all about animal diets
(many children have made their own bird feeders for the poor birds in the snow!), and we have become history detectives by interviewing our elderly relatives and friends (over Zoom and Facetime) about what their childhood was like. We learnt that many of our grandparents didn’t have inside toilets when they were our age – how strange! The children have all put in so much effort (and had time for plenty of fun in the snow too!) and we wish them all a lovely half-term break!

Sheep Class Remote Learning

Children have been busy bees this week! They have been making bridges in DT, models of famous London landmarks for geography, having maths tea parties with their favourite toys, creating family trees for history, sorting animals for science and lots more! Well done, Sheep what a fabulous week’s effort!