School Reports will be coming home to parents on Friday 29th June 2018.
Please contact the school should you need any further information.
Many thanks.
School Reports will be coming home to parents on Friday 29th June 2018.
Please contact the school should you need any further information.
Many thanks.
Educational Consent Form Bewilderwood
Please click on the above two links to access information regarding the trip to Bewilderwood and also the consent forms that need to be completed.
Thank you.
We were joined by Kelly and Beverly this morning from the N&N Hospital to teach us all about sun safety.
We learnt:
With this in mind can you make sure your children have all of these so that they can be sun safe at school.
Thank you
BJ Puppets came in today to retell Bible stories linked to this half term’s value Friendship.
Before Easter we were visited by inspectors from the diocese to carry out a SIAMS (Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools) inspection. This is a bit like an Ofsted inspection but looks at the Christian character of the school and how our Christian values underpin everything we do.
We were so very pleased to be awarded a ‘Good’ which recognised all of the hard work put in by staff over the past year to develop our church school community.
Highlights from the report include:
This has very much been a team effort though special recognition needs to go to Miss Hardingham and Mrs Barber for their incredible contributions.
To read the full report please follow the link: North Elmham SIAMS Inspection Report March 2018
Christian Aid Big Breakfast Event
Friday 18th May
This year Christian Aid are encouraging people to get together for a ‘Big Breakfast’ to raise awareness of the work that they do to reduce poverty. The children will take part in some fun activities to think about how we can support people leading much more difficult lives than ours.
We would like to invite you to come to school for the chance to get together to share a simple and healthy breakfast with your child(ren).
This will be a great way for the children to enjoy something different after a busy few weeks in the classroom!
There will be two sittings available so siblings can be together.
All we ask is that you make a small donation to help us raise money!
Please note, due to space, families are limited to 2 adults. Sitting places will be allocated based on a first-come, first-served basis.
Ensure the slip is returned to the office by Friday 4th May.
Thank you,
Miss Hardingham
What a wonderful afternoon of excitement and anticipation as celebrated author Julia Jarman officially opened our new school library.
Children, parents, staff and members of the local community gathered in the hall to hear Julia Jarman share her stories and talk about the importance of reading and school libraries.
Children’s excitement was echoing through the corridor in the build up to the ribbon cutting ceremony and there were cheers all round when the library was finally declared open!
Our sincere thanks goes to the Friends of North Elmham School (FONES) who have worked tirelessly to fundraise over the past few months. Without their drive and the support of the local community this would not have been possible.
What a brilliant start to the summer term! 📕📗📘📙
Please find attached information regarding the new library opening on Wednesday 25th April 2018. This should have been received by all parents as was sent home last week in children’s book bags. However should you have not received this please check it out here!
We hope to see as many of you as possible.