North Elmham CEVA
Primary School


Easter Egg Competition details

Friday 22nd March 2019

Dear Parents/Carers,

“Eggstra, Eggstra, read all about it!”  We are eggstremely eggscited to be holding the Easter Egg competition again this year.

We have held this competition in previous years, so we will have to get our creative caps on and come up with a ‘new and never before seen design’!  Year 6, this may be your last opportunity to enter an Easter Egg competition, so I eggspect to see lots of entries from you!

To enter the competition, all you have to do is hard boil an egg and then decorate it.

There are many ways in which the children can decorate their eggs; some eggsamples may include colourful patterns or a play on words’. For eggsample, an ‘eggstra-terrestrial’, or ‘eggs-ercise’.  The eggs may be accompanied by a small scene. We would also be looking for entries to include our School Motto ‘Believe, Achieve, Belong’.

Please label your entries clearly with name, class and year group.

All entries must be in the school hall by Thursday 4th April 2019. The competition winners will be announced on Friday 5th April.

Thank you for your ongoing support,

Miss Hardingham


An information letter about a meme called ‘Momo’ is coming home today to KS2 children. Please ensure you read it. It is a rather disturbing but FAKE viral news story going round at the moment.

Edwards & Blake Information

Edwards and Blake Valentines

Edwards and Blake Special Lunches

Edwards and Blake are planning 4 themed lunches coming up later this term. There are letters going home today with your child or they are attached above.

Please note that Edwards and Blake have put 14th February 2018 and this should be 2019, also that the Super Hero Lunch should be on Thursday 4th April not on the 11th as stated.

We hope that as many of your children will take part in these themed lunches and enjoy the difference in the menu for that day. Please be aware that although there is a special hot lunch on these dates you are also still able to order school Sandwiches and Jacket Potatoes as usual.

Travelling Book Fair Week Beginning 28th January 2019.

Please find link below regarding the travelling book fair that FONES have arranged to come into the school starting the week beginning the 28th January 2019. Letter will be coming home with children on Tuesday 15th January 2019.

fones travelling book fair 1

Please come along and support your schools FONES members who help so much to raise funds for the children at the school.

Parents Evening

Parents evening was a great success last night, thank you to all the teachers and parents who did attend.

However it has been brought to the attention of the office this morning that there are parents that weren’t aware of the parents evening and have missed the opportunity to attend. We can only apologise for this.

Please if you are a parent who was unaware that it was parents evening call the office and we will arrange a time for an appointment.

Anti Bullying Week 2018

Wednesday 31st October 2018

Dear Parents/Carers,

Pupils on the School Council have met and would like the whole school to take part in Anti Bullying week. Anti-Bullying Week helps our school to shine a spotlight on bullying and wholeheartedly support the national drive to raise awareness of bullying and the harm it potentially causes its victims.

The Anti-Bullying Alliance are launching their wear blue campaign and asking schools, organisations and individuals to wear blue on Thursday 8th November 2018 and donate to Bullying UK.
This can be anything from blue jeans, blue top or you could wear something really out there and stand out for bullying…
A contribution of £1 to go towards the amazing work that the charity ‘Bullying UK’ does.
We will also be launching an anti-bullying poster competition. Children are asked to design their own poster about ways to show kindness and bring to school by Wednesday 7th November. Winners will be displayed in and around the school grounds.

Thank you for your continued support.

Miss Hardingham & North Elmham School Council

Children in Need 2018

Wednesday 31st October 2018

Dear Parents/Carers,

As you may already know, Monday 12th November is the start of this year’s
BBC Children in Need Appeal Week. Our school is excited to be joining in with others around the UK to participate in fundraising for this good cause.

These fundraising events will help your children learn about the lives of disadvantaged children across the whole of the UK while developing skills like communication, teamwork and decision-making.

This year, on Friday 16th November 2018, we invite your child to dress up in as many spots as possible, in addition to this we will be hosting a Bring and Buy Sale.

We hope that you can help us make this a memorable event that raises as much money as possible by supporting the Bring and Buy Sale at our school.

Please donate any unwanted books, films, music, toys, puzzles, board games, trainers, fancy dress costumes and accessories that we can sell to raise money for BBC Children in Need by Monday 12th November.

Please ensure that any donations are in good condition, clean and in working order.
Avoid electricals to avoid safety issues and potential disappointment!

Each class will then have an opportunity to purchase items from the Bring and Buy Sale. We are asking you to send your child in with a maximum of £2 donation. Items will be sold at either 50p, £1 or £2.

After school we will be asking for donations towards any items left and also selling delicious cakes!

Let’s make a big difference to the lives of children in the UK.

Thank you for your continued support.

Miss Hardingham & North Elmham School Council