North Elmham CEVA
Primary School


Miss Button’s Leaving Assembly

After 11 years at North Elmham Primary we had to say a sad goodbye to a much-beloved teacher, Miss Button. The children and staff mashed up a few songs and wove them into a speech to thank her for her huge contributions to the school. This was very fitting as she was well-known for bursting into song all the time and having a positive attitude day in day out.

Leavers / Celebration Church Assembly

Well done to all the children who were awarded trophies for their efforts in school, especially to the Year 6s who have all been a wonderful, hard-working bunch of children. Best wishes to everyone who is moving on to a new school next year.

Collective Worship

This week, we focused on going on a journey and told the story of Going on a Bear Hunt. The Year 6 volunteers trusted Andy to keep them safe as he told the story. We talked about our new journey either to high school or our new year groups and how we put our trust in God to look after us and guide us. We also thought about our special memories and all the good things we could take with us.

A huge thank you to Andy Jones for supporting the school this year.


We welcomed Paul Roast this morning. We worked with a friend that we trusted to eat a biscuit! What we didn’t know is that our friend could put any topping on the biscuit they liked! We put our trust in our friends just like when Jesus trusted his friends. However, when Jesus needed them they deserted him. He was still faithful to his friends even though they had let him down.

We thanked God for good friends and for helping us to be good friends too.

Changes and Trust

Andy Jones introduced our value for this half term. We talked about changes in our lives; some happen to us and some we make happen. He then told us a Bible story about Saul. He learnt to put his trust in God and made great changes in his life.

Collective Worship

Today we were joined by Open The Book. They retold the Bible story of Jesus appearing to his disciples after his crucifixion and resurrection.

Lots of things to celebrate this week: World Book Week bunting design prizes given out, Year 2s and Year 6s finished their SATs too. Well done to everyone!

SIAMS Success!

Before Easter we were visited by inspectors from the diocese to carry out a SIAMS (Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools) inspection. This is a bit like an Ofsted inspection but looks at the Christian character of the school and how our Christian values underpin everything we do.

We were so very pleased to be awarded a ‘Good’ which recognised all of the hard work put in by staff over the past year to develop our church school community.

Highlights from the report include:

  • This is a nurturing and inclusive Christian community which serves its pupils and its families very well. Consequently, North Elmham Primary School ensures all are encouraged to do their best within the context of a Christian family environment.
  • The partnership between the churches and the school enriches the worshipping life of this school community and supports their spiritual, moral and personal development well.
  • The commitment and dedication of all staff and governors is seen in a renewed impetus to take forward the distinctive Christian character of this school on its journey of school improvement. As such, this embraces care, well-being and nurture together with a new Christian vision which is beginning to make a difference.

This has very much been a team effort though special recognition needs to go to Miss Hardingham and Mrs Barber for their incredible contributions.

To read the full report please follow the link: North Elmham SIAMS Inspection Report March 2018