North Elmham CEVA
Primary School


Remembrance Day

Today we marked Remembrance Day in school and at Church. It was wonderful to be back at St Mary’s church! Our children led the service alongside Revd Sally. We shared readings, poems, songs and prayers.

Collective Worship

Revd Sally joined us today for Collective Worship. We continued to talk about the Creation story and then discussed COP26 and the impact of Climate Change. We shared ways we could make small changes in our community too! 

Open the Book Collective Worship

We welcomed back the wonderful Open the Book to lead Collective Worship today. They told us a story from the Bible about Creation. We enjoyed joining in with them throughout the story and singing a song together. 

Collective Worship

It has been so wonderful to be back as a whole school during Collective Worship.

We have enjoyed singing and celebrating all of the children’s wonderful successes, as well as welcoming our fantastic visitors back into our school. A huge thank you to Revd Trudie, Revd Sally, Andy Jones and Kidz Klub! 

Collective Worship

Mrs Howarth, our RE lead teacher, led a fun and informative Enrichment/ Collective Worship to reinforce our Federation vision. She read the bible story of the two builders which Jesus told to teach the importance of building your life on his teachings. The children had to use spaghetti and marshmallows to build a structure. Some built on a cushion and others on the firmer surface of a table, this illustrated the importance of building on a firm foundation. The children listened attentively and thoroughly enjoyed the building. Thank you Mrs Howarth. 

Virtual Collective Worship

The schools held their first virtual collective worship as we all got together on Zoom to celebrate the children’s successes over the week. It was wonderful to get together and see each other, albeit using technology.

Remembrance Service

Children and parents gathered at the church to remember those who fought for our country in the World Wars. We had some beautiful artwork, poems and messages made by the children to show what they had been learning in class about Remembrance Day.

Church – Thy Kingdom Come

Dear Parents and Carers,

St Mary’s are planning a day of prayer on Friday 7th June, under the Archbishops’ call to prayer Thy kingdom come. There will be a variety of prayer ‘experiences’ during the day.

The idea is to pray for the coming of the Holy Spirit on our communities in the days between Ascension (30th May) and Pentecost (9th June).

As part of this day of prayer, the children will be joining St Mary’s Church on Friday 7th June at 14:15.

All parents and carers are also invited. The children will sing songs and have time to reflect and think about their neighbours and those who might be in need of prayer.

Due to the timing of this, please be aware that children will need to be collected from the church at 15:15.

Best wishes,

Miss Hardingham and Mr Good

Easter Church Service

Children, parents and staff came together to celebrate our Easter Service. Thank you to Open the Book who got us into the spirit of Easter by parading around the church. Well done to our Easter Egg competition winners. And a special mention to Mrs Harper who, after working at the school for 6 years as a teaching assistant, is retiring. She will be missed but we wish her a very happy retirement.

Jesus our special friend

We welcomed BJ Puppets this morning. They retold the story of Palm Sunday and that Christians believe Jesus is with us all of the time.